can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
sis95wcgen.dll - (1396 downloads)
sisagp98.dll - SiS AGP Driver Install Function (1396 downloads)
smplmail.dll - (1396 downloads)
srusbusd.dll - Still Image Devices DLL (Digital Camera) (1396 downloads)
sscplcs.dll - NVIDIA nForce(TM) Control Panel Czechoslovakian Resources (1396 downloads)
stddrivers.dll - (1396 downloads)
stream3c.dll - (1396 downloads)
strtsloc.dll - KAV StartUp enumerator localization module (1396 downloads)
svgrsrc.dll - SVG Viewer Core 5.0 Resources (1396 downloads)
tipp108.dll - Posteingangssymbol (1396 downloads)
tipp382.dll - Ghostmail (1396 downloads)
tipp383.dll - HTTP Header Information (1396 downloads)
tipp95.dll - Termin der PaÃwortwarnung festlegen (1396 downloads)
umaxcam.dll - WIA Devices DLL (1396 downloads)
utfconv.dll - (1396 downloads)
ut_imageeditor.dll - (1396 downloads)
vis_eonic.dll - (1396 downloads)
vxcsub.dll - Various Services in C (1396 downloads)
w3dttelblnk_dd7.dll - (1396 downloads)
wmedque.dll - WME Record Queue (1396 downloads)
wnvplay1.dll - Videum Video Capture (1396 downloads)
xmendeco.dll - XmenDeco Dynamic Link Library (1396 downloads)
mfps.dll - Media Foundation Proxy DLL (1396 downloads)
acppage.dll - Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library (1396 downloads)
AppxApplicabilityEngine.dll - AppX Applicability Engine (1396 downloads)
BarcodeProvisioningPlugin.dll - Barcode Provisioning Plugin (1396 downloads)
ContactHarvesterDS.dll - Microsoft Contact Harvester Datasource Dll (1396 downloads)
DafCdp.dll - DAF CDP Provider (1396 downloads)
dialserver.dll - DIAL Server DLL (1396 downloads)
MaxxAudioAPO20.dll - MaxxAudio APO (1396 downloads)
MaxxVolumeSDAPO.dll - MaxxVolumeSD APO (1396 downloads)
RacEngn.dll - Moteur de calcul des mesures dâanalyse de fiabilité (1396 downloads)
WsmRes.dll - Fichier DLL de ressources WSMan (1396 downloads)
NLEImageProc.dll - ImagePro å¨æé¾æ¥åº (1396 downloads)
findindices.dll - (1395 downloads)
fwl645mi.dll - (1395 downloads)
icqcontrols.dll - ICQControls Module (1395 downloads)
icwconn.dll - Internet Connection Wizard (1395 downloads)
jgit500.dll - JG Animation Image Tool DLL (1395 downloads)
lflma12n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1395 downloads)
lfmsp12n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1395 downloads)
mcact.dll - (1395 downloads)
mmdsdvd.dll - Mediamatics DirectShow DVD Graph Builder (1395 downloads)
msadcfr.dll - Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Factory Resources (1395 downloads)
mse9800s.dll - (1395 downloads)
opexport.dll - OPExport (1395 downloads)
optmiz.dll - (1395 downloads)
pcalcpositions.dll - (1395 downloads)
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plluster.dll - (1395 downloads)
plugmix.dll - Mixer plugin DLL (1395 downloads)
pmxdiag.dll - Diagnostic DLL (1395 downloads)
qvusd.dll - Still Image Devices DLL (Digital camera) (1395 downloads)
raygundl.dll - (1395 downloads)
rfvideo.dll - Rapid Fire Video Library (1395 downloads)
rirdct32.dll - RIOS Color Reduction 32-bit API (1395 downloads)
rmse3290.dll - Helix Producer SDK Encoding Engine (1395 downloads)
rotate.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (1395 downloads)
rscndd22.dll - BasicScript Debugger Dialog (1395 downloads)
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