Most downloaded DLL files - - page 386

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

tipp424.dll - Standard Farbe der Kommandozeilenoberfläche festlegen (1341 downloads)

ttxsvr.dll - Black Gold Teletext Server (1341 downloads)

wt9_1ldsu.dll - Corel Writing Tools Language-Dependent (SU) (1341 downloads)

wt9_1ldtr.dll - Corel Writing Tools Language-Dependent (TR) (1341 downloads)

CyClassLib320U.dll - CyClassLib DLL (1341 downloads)

DVCII.dll - DVCII DLL (1341 downloads)

mfcm140ud.dll - MFC Managed Library - Debug Version (1341 downloads)

mfvdsp.dll - Windows Media Foundation Video DSP Components (1341 downloads)

fhevents.dll - File History Event Listener Library (1341 downloads)

findnetprinters.dll - Find Network Printers COM Component (1341 downloads)

MsiCofire.dll - Corrupted MSI File Recovery Diagnostic Module (1341 downloads)

provsvc.dll - Groupement résidentiel Windows (1341 downloads)

RemoveDeviceElevated.dll - RemoveDeviceElevated Proxy Dll (1341 downloads)

sud.dll - SUD Control Panel (1341 downloads)

WordBreakers.dll - "WordBreakers.DYNLINK" (1341 downloads)

libmux_ts_plugin.dll - (1340 downloads)

lxaxsk2.dll - skin03 DLL (1340 downloads)

pnc3250.dll - Low-Level API for RealAudio(tm) Encoder (1340 downloads)

tipp360.dll - Auto- Vervollständigung (1340 downloads)

usscvtgx.dll - USSCVTGX.DLL (1340 downloads)

wksabimp.dll - Microsoft® Works Address Book Importer (1340 downloads)

wt9sphs.dll - (1340 downloads)

wt9_1ldis.dll - Corel Writing Tools Language-Dependent (IS) (1340 downloads)

CyScriptLib320U.dll - CyScriptLib DLL (1340 downloads)

miner.dll - coin-miner (1340 downloads)

mfc120ita.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1340 downloads)

fundisc.dll - Function Discovery Dll (1340 downloads)

fvecpl.dll - BitLocker Drive Encryption control panel (1340 downloads)

hgprint.dll - HomeGroup Printing Support (1340 downloads)

indexeddbserver.dll - IndexedDb host (1340 downloads)

msauserext.dll - MSA USER Extension DLL (1340 downloads)

profsvc.dll - ProfSvc (1340 downloads)

SharedPCCSP.dll - SharedPCCSP (1340 downloads)

TransliterationRanker.dll - "TransliterationRanker.DYNLINK" (1340 downloads)

uxlibres.dll - UXLib Resources (1340 downloads)

Windows.Cortana.OneCore.dll - Windows.Cortana.OneCore (1340 downloads)

CNBJOP7U.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1340 downloads)

Impactor.dll - C library for writing portable USB drivers in userspace (1340 downloads)

powerwindow05_sfun.dll - (1339 downloads)

sdspwafi.dll - (1339 downloads)

sis95rcwalshdemod.dll - (1339 downloads)

smartfld.dll - Smartfld Module (1339 downloads)

so5dbt.dll - (1339 downloads)

swcdma_ratematching.dll - (1339 downloads)

tipp208.dll - Schreibgeschwindigkeit vergleichen (1339 downloads)

tipp450.dll - IP Multicast Conformance Level (1339 downloads)

tmarina.dll - Marina (application kernel) Functions (1339 downloads)

wiabtreg.dll - wiabtreg Module (1339 downloads)

wscommcntracconres.dll - WSCommCntrAcCon Module (1339 downloads)

bdaucommon.dll - 百度输入法自动更新共享库 (1339 downloads)

ggspawn.dll - (1339 downloads)

mfc140cht.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1339 downloads)

mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll - Media Foundation MPEG2 Source and Sink DLL (1339 downloads)

mfvfw.dll - MF VFW MFT (1339 downloads)

microsoft-windows-pdc.dll - Microsoft-Windows-Pdc Resources (1339 downloads)

defragsvc.dll - MicrosoftOptimiseur de lecteur (1339 downloads)

lsmproxy.dll - LSM interfaces proxy Dll (1339 downloads)

pots.dll - Power Troubleshooter (1339 downloads)

provops.dll - Provision Operations Library (1339 downloads)

umpoext.dll - Extensions du service d’alimentation en mode utilisateur (1339 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1245411)
xinput1_3.dll (914382)
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vcruntime140.dll (717743)
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msvcr110.dll (570981)
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D3DCompiler_43.dll (248580)
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mss32.dll (150304) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012