can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
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tipp304.dll - Registry Remote Zugriff (1364 downloads)
tipp318.dll - Novell Splash Screen (1364 downloads)
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userservices.dll - (1364 downloads)
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wkwzthm.dll - Microsoft® Works Wizard (1364 downloads)
AuApplication.dll - Adobe Audition Support Library (1364 downloads)
uraext3x.dll - (1364 downloads)
credprovhost.dll - Credential Provider Framework Host (1364 downloads)
DevicePairingProxy.dll - Device Pairing Proxy Dll (1364 downloads)
edpcsp.dll - EnterpriseDataProtectionCSP (1364 downloads)
fhengine.dll - File History Engine (1364 downloads)
fontgroupsoverride.dll - fontgroupsoverride.dll (1364 downloads)
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InkAnalysis.dll - InkAnalysis DLL (1364 downloads)
MSVideoDSP.dll - Video Stabilization MFT (1364 downloads)
pla.dll - Performance Logs & Alerts (1364 downloads)
SettingsHandlers_SIUF.dll - System Settings System Initiated User Feedback Handlers Implementation (1364 downloads)
StorSvc.dll - Storage Services (1364 downloads)
txfw32.dll - TxF Win32 DLL (1364 downloads)
Windows.Media.Speech.UXRes.dll - Windows Media Speech UX Resources DLL (1364 downloads)
wisp.dll - Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component (1364 downloads)
embree.dll - Embree Ray Tracing Kernels (1364 downloads)
MessageBus.dll - (1364 downloads)
PngModule.dll - (1364 downloads)
hfxgui-cs.dll - Hollywood FX UI (1363 downloads)
localizedcontrolscs.dll - (1363 downloads)
mem5565netbroadcast.dll - (1363 downloads)
mfappss.dll - IMA MFApp SS (1363 downloads)
mscsauth.dll - Microsoft Commerce Server mscsauth DLL (1363 downloads)
mtxoci.dll - Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle (1363 downloads)
playriplm5.dll - (1363 downloads)
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profile2.dll - (1363 downloads)
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quantize.dll - QUANTIZE DLL (1363 downloads)
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regshift.dll - (1363 downloads) - (1363 downloads)
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snadlcug.dll - (1363 downloads)
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soundds3d.dll - (1363 downloads)
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