can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
d3dpoly.dll - The software drawing DLL. (1598 downloads)
becombinder.dll - BEComBinder Module (1598 downloads)
mmcodec.dll - MMCodec DLL (1598 downloads)
bypass_idd.dll - Bypass IDD: DCM bypass DLL for InstalledDisplayDrivers-based chaining drivers (1597 downloads)
dexplmui.dll - MSDN Menu Resource DLL (1597 downloads)
avgmail.dll - AVG E-Mail Parsing Module (1597 downloads)
devsupp.dll - Alcohol Software Device Capability Library (1597 downloads)
OUTLWAB.dll - Outlook Contacts WAB Provider (1597 downloads)
xerces-c_1_7.dll - Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.6.0 (1597 downloads)
cavo2gui.dll - CA-Visual Objects 2.5 GUI Class Library (1597 downloads)
pbvm105.dll - Sybase Inc. Product File (1597 downloads)
impComm4x.dll - (1597 downloads)
asymolx.dll - asymolx (1597 downloads)
aacenc32.1.dll - AACEnc - 32 bit floating point AAC encoder library (1597 downloads)
libbz2.dll - (1597 downloads)
symbols.dll - (1597 downloads)
mscandui.dll - MSCANDUI Server DLL (1597 downloads)
3DRRGBA.dll - 3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module (1597 downloads)
diagres.dll - Creative Diagnostics Resources (1597 downloads)
CTRES.dll - Creative Resource (1597 downloads)
SQLDISTX.dll - Microsoft SQL Distribution Control 7.0 (1597 downloads)
docprop.dll - Page des propriétés de OLE DocFile (1597 downloads)
de.dll - (1597 downloads)
atlplugin.dll - ATLPlugin - 3D Shapes Container (1597 downloads)
DDPP64A.dll - Dolby DS1PC Control Panel x86 (1597 downloads)
autopilot13dng_sfun.dll - (1597 downloads)
biffparse.dll - (1597 downloads)
fileparser.dll - (1597 downloads)
Align.dll - Align block for Far Manager (1597 downloads)
a0097023.dll - Microsoft OLE for Windows (1597 downloads)
s3iset64.dll - S3minset/S3iset64 (1597 downloads)
Cam16.dll - Config Manager 16bit Thunk (1597 downloads)
aohook.dll - (1597 downloads)
custtask.dll - CustTask - DTS Custom Task implementation file. (1597 downloads)
dbgrdebug.dll - (1597 downloads)
hfx30.dll - (1597 downloads)
gkgfx.dll - (1597 downloads)
scarddlg.dll - SCardDlg - Boîte de dialogue commune de Smart Card (1597 downloads)
alsnd32.dll - Configuration driver for ALS100+/120 (1597 downloads)
iconv-1.3.dll - (1597 downloads)
crlui100.dll - Common User Interface Library (1597 downloads)
Lvkrn13n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1597 downloads)
kbdax2.dll - JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for AX2 (1597 downloads)
clipasst.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Clipboard Support Component (1597 downloads)
libpng13.dll - LibPng: PNG image compression library (1597 downloads)
kwally.dll - (1597 downloads)
ToCam.dll - QuickCam Image Handling (1597 downloads)
contprosapres.dll - (1597 downloads)
chinese.dll - chinese DLL (1597 downloads)
ApplePushDirect.dll - ApplePushDirect (1597 downloads)
mook.dll - (1597 downloads)
msrating.dll - DLL de gestion d'utilisateur local et de contrôle d'accès à Internet (1597 downloads)
fruityplug.dll - (1597 downloads)
asilock.dll - (1597 downloads)
zcomemu5.dll - Zoner support library (1597 downloads)
outlookx.dll - OutlookX DLL (1597 downloads)
pxwma.dll - PxWMA.dll (1597 downloads)
csdwutil.dll - Microsoft Commerce Server Data Warehouse Utility DLL (1597 downloads)
CoachUsd.dll - Visioneer LX200 USB API interface. (1596 downloads)
padsmartdi.dll - Gamepad pad DLL (1596 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1242764)
xinput1_3.dll (912007)
msvcr100.dll (784535)
msvcp100.dll (740809)
vcruntime140.dll (717207)
msvcp140.dll (590619)
msvcr110.dll (569639)
msvcp120.dll (381824)
msvcr120.dll (377225)
msvcp110.dll (286089)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (247843)
amtlib.dll (236033)
d3dx9_39.dll (221036)
binkw32.dll (196929)
steam_api.dll (180367)
d3dx9_30.dll (177668)
unarc.dll (177537)
KERNEL32.dll (175158)
lame_enc.dll (152529)
mss32.dll (149925)