Most downloaded DLL files - - page 283

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

ecscmext.dll - ecscmext (1308 downloads)

effect01.dll - Creative WaveStudio Effect Plugin (1308 downloads)

emw0w0.dll - Microsoft® Native Windows Execution Model (1308 downloads)

eongui.dll - (1308 downloads)

exch_rwnh.dll - RWNH (1308 downloads)

filatticearmafilter.dll - (1308 downloads)

fresettg.dll - FRE Settings (1308 downloads)

fromwavedevice.dll - (1308 downloads)

fsvt.dll - (1308 downloads)

ftsrch.dll - Rechercher Microsoft® Full-Text (1308 downloads)

fwappoptions.dll - FWAppOptions.dll (1308 downloads)

gensck32.dll - (1308 downloads)

getmean.dll - (1308 downloads)

gspoker_intf29.dll - GAMEEXT DLL (1308 downloads)

hcreg8res.dll - Autodesk Hardcopy Registry Resource DLL (1308 downloads)

hmg_cetsup_di.dll - (1308 downloads)

hpgl8res.dll - Heidi. HPGL Printer Driver Resource Dll (1308 downloads)

hpmsuixc.dll - (1308 downloads)

hpzscr04.dll - (1308 downloads)

hsfcisp2.dll - CoInstaller for HSF on W2K (1308 downloads)

hub_correlation.dll - (1308 downloads)

iavidresen.dll - ITX Component (1308 downloads)

icaext.dll - (1308 downloads)

icqautomation.dll - ICQAutomation Module (1308 downloads)

ldnaii76ld1.dll - (1308 downloads)

libadpcm_plugin.dll - (1308 downloads)

libgaduw32.dll - libGadu - win32 (1308 downloads)

licenc90.dll - SmartIcons Shared Resource Library Module (1308 downloads)

lmvrsz.dll - LEAD Video Resize Filter (1308 downloads)

LToCam.dll - QuickCam File Handling Language (1308 downloads)

lvdlg12n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1308 downloads)

LXBFPRP.dll - prop DLL (1308 downloads)

mathml2001.dll - MathML Module (1308 downloads)

mmstfx.dll - Movie Maker Sample Effects Module (1308 downloads)

mprpt.dll - Report Gallery and Reports and Charts Places (1308 downloads)

msader15.dll - Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Resources (1308 downloads)

msdtclog.dll - MS DTC log manager DLL (1308 downloads)

msirsock_object.dll - MSIrSock_object Module (1308 downloads)

msntb.dll - MSN Toolbar extension (1308 downloads)

mtxclu.dll - MS DTC amd MTS clustering support DLL (1308 downloads)

nevcr.dll - (1308 downloads)

nvwrsru.dll - NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager (1308 downloads)

pcm3log.dll - Generate Logfile for PC-MIDI-3 Driver (1308 downloads)

perflib.dll - (1308 downloads)

piservr5.dll - CPI Module (1308 downloads)

playertreeview.dll - playerTreeView DLL (1308 downloads)

pppick110.dll - Pick Tool Library (1308 downloads)

pschdprf.dll - Microsoft® Windows(TM) PSched Performance Monitor (1308 downloads)

rasmans.dll - Remote Access Connection Manager (1308 downloads)

regsresfi_fi.dll - Adobe REGS Resource Library (1308 downloads)

rmto3260.dll - RMTools SDK DLL (1308 downloads)

schnelltransfer.dll - SchnellTransfer DLL (1308 downloads)

setupwbv.dll - Progman på Kontrollpanelen i Internet Explorer (1308 downloads)

sfttabacres.dll - Softel vdm SftTabs/DLL Custom Control (Win32) (1308 downloads)

shavemrshader.dll - (1308 downloads)

sm_cstrike_mm.dll - STATSME - Metamod Plugin DLL (1308 downloads)

sqllib2.dll - sqllib2 (1308 downloads)

stscmain.dll - (1308 downloads)

ter32.dll - TE Edit Control (1308 downloads)

tipp72.dll - Diskette formatieren (1308 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1224998)
xinput1_3.dll (891746)
msvcr100.dll (763256)
msvcp100.dll (714994)
vcruntime140.dll (711150)
msvcp140.dll (585413)
msvcr110.dll (561257)
msvcp120.dll (379207)
msvcr120.dll (374563)
msvcp110.dll (283179)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (244440)
amtlib.dll (234202)
d3dx9_39.dll (220388)
binkw32.dll (193975)
d3dx9_30.dll (174105)
steam_api.dll (172700)
KERNEL32.dll (169469)
lame_enc.dll (151444)
mss32.dll (147547)
unarc.dll (146202) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012