can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
libawtransservice.dll - (1467 downloads)
ltthk90w.dll - LEADTOOLS® DLL for Windows (1467 downloads)
memgetbyte.dll - (1467 downloads)
mfpnss.dll - IMA MF Program Neighborhood SS (1467 downloads)
mon2kdbe.dll - Money2000 Database Engine Objects Library (1467 downloads)
morphmex.dll - (1467 downloads)
mozMapi32.dll - (1467 downloads)
mqlogmgr.dll - MS DTC log manager DLL (1467 downloads)
mshvdsc.dll - Game Voice Recording Services (1467 downloads)
nxaac.1.dll - Advanced Audio Coding(AAC) plugin for Nero (1467 downloads)
panson24.dll - Panasonic 24-pin Printer Driver (1467 downloads)
php_iisfunc.dll - (1467 downloads)
printengine110.dll - (1467 downloads)
proto_irc.dll - (1467 downloads)
rpup3260.dll - Update GUI (1467 downloads)
rtla3290.dll - Helix Producer Video Black Level Plugin (1467 downloads)
scanman4.dll - Resource DLL (1467 downloads)
scomtimrecmsk.dll - (1467 downloads)
sctwn32.dll - Scan Manager TWAIN 1.6 DLL (1467 downloads)
servicewrapper.dll - (1467 downloads)
signtime.dll - SignTime DLL (1467 downloads)
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substitutions.dll - (1467 downloads)
tbl6b.dll - 3D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride (1467 downloads)
tmplprov.dll - WMI (1467 downloads)
trid_pci.dll - DIB Engine based Trident driver. (1467 downloads)
ufcpnmgr.dll - UFCPNMGR DLL (1467 downloads)
unifytrigger.dll - UnifyTrigger DLL (1467 downloads)
unstllng.dll - (1467 downloads)
vdt70pui.dll - Microsoft Visual Database Tools Package 7.00 (1467 downloads)
visiodwg.dll - Visio VISIODWG DLL (1467 downloads)
wsxica.dll - Citrix ICA Private WinStation Extensions (1467 downloads)
BRIBME0A.dll - Brother Printer Driver Rasterize Filter (1467 downloads)
emdmgmt.dll - ReadyBoost Service (1467 downloads)
adcperf.dll - Compteurs de performance Microsoft Active Directory Connector (1466 downloads)
airlineinformation.dll - AirlineInformation Module (1466 downloads)
alertemailmsg.dll - Server Appliance Alert Email (1466 downloads)
ctagent.dll - ctagent (1466 downloads)
cxrar40.dll - Squeez SQRAR 4.0 Archiver (1466 downloads)
dataobjjs.dll - (1466 downloads)
dict_zh.dll - (1466 downloads)
dolimits.dll - (1466 downloads)
dpeocrps.dll - Proxy stuff for dpeocr COM component (1466 downloads)
dpv11.dll - dpv11 (1466 downloads)
drawpng.dll - (1466 downloads)
fsdeph.dll - (1466 downloads)
gdires32.dll - GetFreeRes. 32-bit part of thunking (1466 downloads)
hfx3w3.dll - (1466 downloads)
hprasdui.dll - Raster Common Printer Driver UI DLL (1466 downloads)
jgn1gen.dll - JG ART DLL (1466 downloads)
lfpnm12n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1466 downloads)
libcrop_plugin.dll - (1466 downloads)
lineq.dll - LinEq (1466 downloads)
lqctwn32.dll - QuickCam Twain Data Source Resources (1466 downloads)
mfc70deu.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1466 downloads)
mkl_i.dll - (1466 downloads)
mscortim.dll - Unmanaged code to assist CLR Admin tool (1466 downloads)
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