can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
hpovcm05.dll - Hewlett-Packard IEEE-1284 minidriver for Windows NT (1488 downloads)
hpqabwav.dll - (1488 downloads)
htmdlgs.dll - VB7 HTML Dialogs (1488 downloads)
htmlgallery.dll - (1488 downloads)
jgidgen.dll - JG Image Decoder DLL (1488 downloads)
ldecal.dll - Decal resource DLL (1488 downloads)
LensFlares.dll - Viewpoint Media Player Lens Flare Component (1488 downloads)
libdvdread_plugin.dll - (1488 downloads)
libhttp_plugin.dll - (1488 downloads)
LXBFLPA.dll - lpa DLL (1488 downloads)
mdt2ddui.dll - Microsoft Design Tools - Surface du schéma (1488 downloads)
menuscene.dll - (1488 downloads)
mfc42cht.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1488 downloads)
mpassmon.dll - Language Monitor (1488 downloads)
msmqgraphics.dll - (1488 downloads)
mv3xsplineevalsfnv1.dll - (1488 downloads)
nohiss.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (1488 downloads)
npwtplug.dll - WildTangent Fast 3D Web Driver Content (1488 downloads)
oct2dec.dll - (1488 downloads)
osp134.dll - (1488 downloads)
peakmaster.dll - (1488 downloads)
pr3ss.dll - Profile Server (1488 downloads)
querybuilder.dll - Crystal Query Builder (1488 downloads)
rsoptcom.dll - Remote Storage Optional Component (1488 downloads)
sstrask.dll - NVIDIA nForce Taskbar Slovak Resources (1488 downloads)
sthmp3.dll - (1488 downloads)
tcprops.dll - Microsoft® ActiveX Control Test Container Property Pages (1488 downloads)
tipp125.dll - Start-Menü: Ordnung erzwingen (1488 downloads)
tipp141.dll - Favoriten aus dem Startmenü verbannen (1488 downloads)
tipp238.dll - Server Cache einstellen (1488 downloads)
tipp52.dll - na (1488 downloads)
tipp94.dll - Administrative Freigaben (1488 downloads)
tmdshell.dll - Tmdshell Module (1488 downloads)
uoassist.dll - UOAssist Module (1488 downloads)
vi40wrp.dll - Wrapper for Microsoft FrontPage WEC (1488 downloads)
w3djoyblnk_dd.dll - (1488 downloads)
webbrow.dll - webbrow DLL (1488 downloads)
wmidcprv.dll - WMI (1488 downloads)
wmpm.dll - Novell Client Profile Manager (1488 downloads)
wshtools.dll - COM Automation Server for WSH (1488 downloads)
d3d10level9.dll - Direct3D 10 to Direct3D9 Translation Runtime (1488 downloads)
FileAppxStreamingDataSource.dll - File AppX Streaming Data Source Library (1488 downloads)
KBDOGHAM.dll - Ogham Keyboard Layout (1488 downloads)
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.TestingFramework.dll - Windows Store Testing Framework Runtime DLL (1488 downloads)
P2PAPI.dll - P2PAPI (1488 downloads)
RDPENCDD.dll - RDP Encoder Mirror Driver (1488 downloads)
actprjui.dll - ACT Package Resources (1487 downloads)
alm_calc.dll - AppWare Loadable Module: Calculation Object (1487 downloads)
ateima32.dll - Image Encoder/Decoder DLL (1487 downloads)
bwcc000c.dll - Borland Windows Custom Control Resources (1487 downloads)
Canvas.dll - Canvas Module (1487 downloads)
cengfront10.dll - CEngFront10 Module (1487 downloads)
crlfxnoise110.dll - Noise Bitmap Effects (1487 downloads)
CTDevCRes.dll - Audio Device Control Resource DLL (1487 downloads)
dadt2821.dll - (1487 downloads)
dng_getsysdir.dll - (1487 downloads)
ds07_cirith_ungol.dll - (1487 downloads)
Editorps.dll - Editor Proxy/Stub DLL (1487 downloads)
eonassemblypp.dll - EON ConnectionAgents (1487 downloads)
flashlite1_0.dll - Macromedia Flash Player (1487 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1244817)
xinput1_3.dll (913763)
msvcr100.dll (786881)
msvcp100.dll (743388)
vcruntime140.dll (717617)
msvcp140.dll (591247)
msvcr110.dll (570765)
msvcp120.dll (382313)
msvcr120.dll (377627)
msvcp110.dll (286569)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (248383)
amtlib.dll (236232)
d3dx9_39.dll (221103)
binkw32.dll (197331)
steam_api.dll (181579)
unarc.dll (181156)
d3dx9_30.dll (178149)
KERNEL32.dll (175402)
lame_enc.dll (152664)
mss32.dll (150219)