Most downloaded DLL files - - page 391

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

slcext.dll - Software Licensing Client Extension Dll (1206 downloads)

Windows.Gaming.Preview.dll - Windows Gaming API Preview (1206 downloads)

winrsmgr.dll - WSMan Shell API (1206 downloads)

wpnprv.dll - Windows Push Notification Platform Connection Provider (1206 downloads)

xwreg.dll - Extensible Wizard Registration Manager Module (1206 downloads)

ascddmi.dll - ASCDDMI (1206 downloads)

bxsdk32.dll - BoxedApp SDK - a developer library to create a virtual environment (1206 downloads)

QtGuid4.dll - C++ application development framework. (1206 downloads)

qpstrnam.dll - (1205 downloads)

smlr3260.dll - SMIL Renderer plugin for RealMedia® (1205 downloads)

soedber.dll - Basic BER & DER Space-Optimized Encoder & Decoder DLL (1205 downloads)

sortrowsc.dll - (1205 downloads)

sprb0416.dll - Mensagens do Service Pack 2 (1205 downloads)

sqlqp20.dll - Microsoft SQLQP 2.0 (1205 downloads)

tipp181.dll - GUID löschen (1205 downloads)

tipp256.dll - Start von Dr.Watson verhindern (1205 downloads)

vxinterrupt.dll - (1205 downloads)

datamngr.dll - (1205 downloads)

fhsvcctl.dll - File History Service Control Library (1205 downloads)

mapsupdatetask.dll - MapsUpdateTask Task (1205 downloads)

slr100.dll - System Language Runtime (1205 downloads)

srumapi.dll - System Resource Usage Monitor API (1205 downloads)

storagewmi.dll - WMI Provider for Storage Management (1205 downloads)

wcimage.dll - Windows Container Image (1205 downloads)

wmitomi.dll - CIM Provider Adapter (1205 downloads)

CNHI12A.dll - WIA Scanner Driver Image Enhancement dll (1205 downloads)

LXAA3res.dll - Local Scan Resource (1205 downloads)

pf2setup.dll - (1204 downloads)

proto_jabber.dll - (1204 downloads)

sisozero.dll - (1204 downloads)

smemsrc.dll - (1204 downloads)

tillservices.dll - (1204 downloads)

wt9_1ldjp.dll - Corel Writing Tools Language-Dependent (JP) (1204 downloads)

DrophackProtection1.1.dll - (1204 downloads)

hpqmfc09.dll - CUE MFC Extension DLL (1204 downloads)

container_xml.dll - Windows Container XML (1204 downloads)

execmodelproxy.dll - ExecModelProxy (1204 downloads)

igdbcl64.dll - OpenCL User Mode Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Technology (1204 downloads)

igfx11cmrt64.dll - MDF(CM) Runtime DX11 Dynamic Link Library (1204 downloads)

mspatchc.dll - Microsoft Patch Creation Engine (1204 downloads)

ncuprov.dll - Network Connectivity Statistics Provider for System Resource Usage Monitor Service (1204 downloads)

provops.dll - Provision Operations Library (1204 downloads)

rilproxy.dll - Windows RIL Proxy (1204 downloads)

sas.dll - WinLogon Software SAS Library (1204 downloads)

shacctprofile.dll - Shell Accounts Profile Classes (1204 downloads)

umpoext.dll - Extensions du service d’alimentation en mode utilisateur (1204 downloads)

uReFS.dll - NTFS Utility DLL (1204 downloads)

wclWdi.dll - Windows Class Library (1204 downloads)

weretw.dll - (1204 downloads)

NlsData0027.dll - Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code (1204 downloads)

WUDFUsbccidDriver.dll - WDF:UMDF USBCCID User-Mode Driver (1204 downloads)

sch645mi.dll - (1203 downloads)

schdint.dll - (1203 downloads)

scomfskmod.dll - (1203 downloads)

snmpsfx.dll - SNMP Subagent Framework DLL (1203 downloads)

stiiqmath_iqfrac.dll - (1203 downloads)

sveng32.dll - SoftVoice English DLL (1203 downloads)

tidmcipark.dll - (1203 downloads)

tidyatl.dll - Tidy Module (1203 downloads)

vqfenclib1.1.dll - Audio plugin (1203 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1225002)
xinput1_3.dll (891746)
msvcr100.dll (763256)
msvcp100.dll (714994)
vcruntime140.dll (711150)
msvcp140.dll (585413)
msvcr110.dll (561262)
msvcp120.dll (379207)
msvcr120.dll (374563)
msvcp110.dll (283179)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (244440)
amtlib.dll (234202)
d3dx9_39.dll (220388)
binkw32.dll (193975)
d3dx9_30.dll (174105)
steam_api.dll (172700)
KERNEL32.dll (169469)
lame_enc.dll (151444)
mss32.dll (147547)
unarc.dll (146202) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012