can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
ADMXPROX.dll - IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll (1798 downloads)
DS32.dll - Event Generator (1798 downloads)
vdmdbg.dll - VDMDBG.DLL (1798 downloads)
MSAIN900.dll - Microsoft Office 2000 component (1797 downloads)
D3DCompiler_41.dll - Direct3D HLSL Compiler (1797 downloads)
libfontconfig-1.dll - (1797 downloads)
gwrks32.dll - GEAR.wrks main dll (1797 downloads)
msvcp70d.dll - Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library (1797 downloads)
denoiser.dll - DeNoiser (1797 downloads)
regwizc.dll - Module RegWizCtrl (1796 downloads)
steam_1110.dll - Steam Client Engine (1796 downloads)
MSMDGDRV.dll - Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Services driver (1796 downloads)
AMH.dll - amd Module (1796 downloads)
UNACEV2.dll - UNACE Dynamic Link Library (1796 downloads)
connect.dll - Get Connected Wizards (1796 downloads)
ascii.dll - (1795 downloads)
bassmix.dll - BASSmix (1795 downloads)
d3ddll.dll - (1795 downloads)
QCUI2.dll - QuickCam User Interface Library (1795 downloads)
gpupeted3d.dll - gpu d3d dx7 plugin (1794 downloads)
FPSRVUTL.dll - Shared Web Utilities Component (1794 downloads)
x_audiomfc.dll - (1794 downloads)
Windows.System.Profile.PlatformDiagnosticsAndUsageDataSettings.dll - Platform Diagnostics and Usage Settings DLL (1794 downloads)
snes9x.dll - (1794 downloads)
dbgcore.dll - Windows Core Debugging Helpers (1794 downloads)
mcsetup.dll - (1794 downloads)
wrap_oal.dll - OpenAL32 (1794 downloads)
expat.dll - (1794 downloads)
atrsrc32.dll - Resources for 32-bit AppleTalk components (1794 downloads)
NETUPGRD.dll - Průvodce inovacà sÃtÄ (1793 downloads)
regex2.dll - Libregex: searches for and matches text strings (1793 downloads)
danim.dll - DirectX Media -- DirectAnimation (1793 downloads)
newton.dll - (1793 downloads)
cscui.dll - IU de cache côté client (1793 downloads)
office.dll - (1793 downloads)
ci.dll - Code Integrity Module (1792 downloads)
VBoxDDU.dll - VirtualBox VMM Devices and Drivers Utilities (1792 downloads)
VMPExtras.dll - Viewpoint Media Player VMPExtras Component (1792 downloads)
OUTLVBA.dll - Microsoft Outlook VBA Integration Add-In (1792 downloads)
QSSpLf.dll - SpotLife QuickSend Service Plugin (1792 downloads)
asys.dll - asys MFC Application (1792 downloads)
QCPipe.dll - SpotLife's QCPipe (1792 downloads)
3DR32.dll - 3DR Win32s SPI Module (1791 downloads)
nscrt.dll - User-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library (1791 downloads)
NAME.dll - Name ActiveX Control (1791 downloads)
pthread.dll - (1790 downloads)
CoreMessaging.dll - Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll (1790 downloads)
d3dim700.dll - Microsoft Direct3D (1790 downloads)
libRCodec.dll - TODO: <æ件说æ> (1790 downloads)
basesrv.dll - Windows NT BASE API Server DLL (1790 downloads)
xerces-c_2_4_0.dll - Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.4.0 (1790 downloads)
blowfish.dll - (1790 downloads)
apachemoduleexpires.dll - (1790 downloads)
catsrvut.dll - (1790 downloads)
RSManager.dll - Citrix RS Manager DLL (1790 downloads)
ui_mp_x86.dll - (1790 downloads)
wups.dll - Windows Update client proxy stub (1789 downloads)
php_pdo_pgsql.dll - PostgreSQL driver for PDO (1789 downloads)
data2.dll - (1789 downloads)
new.dll - (1789 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1244817)
xinput1_3.dll (913763)
msvcr100.dll (786881)
msvcp100.dll (743388)
vcruntime140.dll (717617)
msvcp140.dll (591247)
msvcr110.dll (570765)
msvcp120.dll (382313)
msvcr120.dll (377627)
msvcp110.dll (286569)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (248383)
amtlib.dll (236232)
d3dx9_39.dll (221103)
binkw32.dll (197331)
steam_api.dll (181579)
unarc.dll (181156)
d3dx9_30.dll (178149)
KERNEL32.dll (175402)
lame_enc.dll (152664)
mss32.dll (150219)