Most downloaded DLL files - - page 291

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

inetsocket.dll - INETsocket DLL (1302 downloads)

ipselpid.dll - Pid3.0 generation (1302 downloads)

kstyle.dll - Wtyczka pozwalająca ładować schematy ikonek/kolorów... (1302 downloads)

libdlmaxmgr.dll - Nova's Component Manager interface (1302 downloads)

libmwqhull.dll - (1302 downloads)

licenoc.dll - License Server Optional Component Setup (1302 downloads)

loss09.dll - INTERSOLV SQL Server ODBC Driver (1302 downloads)

ltwen12n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1302 downloads)

lwpapin.dll - (1302 downloads)

malsai.dll - AvantGo Connect Standalone Installer (1302 downloads)

mathservice.dll - (1302 downloads)

mdll3216.dll - (1302 downloads)

mexdxver.dll - (1302 downloads)

mmraw16.dll - 16 Bit DLL to Lock/Unlock DVD Drive (1302 downloads)

modemstatusqua.dll - (1302 downloads)

msdarem.dll - Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Remote Provider (1302 downloads)

msgimap.dll - (1302 downloads)

mx_r1update.dll - (1302 downloads)

negatoryair.dll - negatoryair (1302 downloads)

northpole0.91b.dll - (1302 downloads)

nxwavpack.1.dll - WavPack plugin for Nero (1302 downloads)

odma32.dll - (1302 downloads)

ormimap.dll - (1302 downloads)

ormutil.dll - (1302 downloads)

php_sablot.dll - (1302 downloads)

pipcore7.dll - Core CD Engine Module (1302 downloads)

polski.dll - (1302 downloads)

proextras.dll - Visio Professional Extras DLL (1302 downloads)

rasgprxy.dll - Remote Access Server Netbios Gateway Proxy (1302 downloads)

rdpsnd.dll - Pilote multimédia du service Terminal Server (1302 downloads)

res3.dll - core resources (1302 downloads)

rnd_opengl.dll - OpenGL Rendering Engine for Hollywood FX (1302 downloads)

rtdx_snk.dll - (1302 downloads)

rvccodegen.dll - (1302 downloads)

sbger16.dll - AudioPCI Driver Resources (1302 downloads)

scofr.dll - Ressources de Windows Script Component (r) (1302 downloads)

sdspstack.dll - (1302 downloads)

sfmpgdec.dll - (1302 downloads)

sfun_tstart.dll - (1302 downloads)

simsynth.dll - (1302 downloads)

skfilter.dll - MS IntelliType Pro (1302 downloads)

sndext_ret.dll - (1302 downloads)

spice1_01.dll - (1302 downloads)

spkrcorrui.dll - Plus! Speaker Enhancement (1302 downloads)

spra041a.dll - Service Pack 1 Messages (1302 downloads)

sscplfr.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel French Resources (1302 downloads)

sxmidi16.dll - (1302 downloads)

tipp242.dll - Rechnerstart in Datei festhalten (1302 downloads)

tipp446.dll - Broadcast Name Query Count (1302 downloads)

tipp468.dll - Hintergrundbilder Standardverzeichnis (1302 downloads)

tipp96.dll - Automatischen Disconnect (1302 downloads)

txtonly.dll - TXTONLY DRIVER (1302 downloads)

uicontrols.dll - User interface control customization (UIControls.dll) (1302 downloads)

verbgram.dll - (1302 downloads)

vfp8rrus.dll - Ресурсы Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Runtime Library (1302 downloads)

viddbpkg.dll - Microsoft (R) Visual InterDev Package (1302 downloads)

visstd.dll - Microsoft Visio Standard DLL (1302 downloads)

vmmreg32.dll - Windows VMM Registry Library (1302 downloads)

vray40.dll - (1302 downloads)

vsmacrosui.dll - Microsoft Design Tools - Framework (1302 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1224981)
xinput1_3.dll (891740)
msvcr100.dll (763237)
msvcp100.dll (714963)
vcruntime140.dll (711149)
msvcp140.dll (585413)
msvcr110.dll (561256)
msvcp120.dll (379207)
msvcr120.dll (374563)
msvcp110.dll (283178)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (244440)
amtlib.dll (234202)
d3dx9_39.dll (220388)
binkw32.dll (193975)
d3dx9_30.dll (174105)
steam_api.dll (172700)
KERNEL32.dll (169469)
lame_enc.dll (151444)
mss32.dll (147547)
unarc.dll (146194) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012