Most downloaded DLL files - - page 179

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

icqpict.dll - ICQPicture DLL (1508 downloads)

TaskSchdPS.dll - Task Scheduler Interfaces Proxy (1508 downloads)

rdrvfs.dll - Application Center File System synchronization driver (1508 downloads)

pfres.dll - Common Client Restrictions Proxy Filter (1508 downloads)

agmal.dll - AGMAL.DLL (1508 downloads)

cdrfnt110.dll - Corel Font Manager DLL (1508 downloads)

licsetup6.dll - Resource DLL (1508 downloads)

hvdi.dll - (1508 downloads)

morph.dll - morphology module (1508 downloads)

netlibnt.dll - Palm OS® Simulation Component (1508 downloads)

dsconverter1041.dll - DivX Converter Application (1508 downloads)

unlha32.dll - LZH file processing library (1508 downloads)

sfppack2.dll - Sony XFX 2 Plug-In Pack (1508 downloads)

voodoo.dll - (1508 downloads)

dareaudio.dll - (1508 downloads)

cdrpsi91.dll - Corel PostScript Interpreter (1508 downloads)

ktools.dll - (1508 downloads)

extrsrc.dll - ImageReady (1508 downloads)

lmuint.dll - PdpUiNT (1508 downloads)

p2pgraph.dll - Peer-to-Peer Graphing (1508 downloads)

w3dmaxx_dd8.dll - (1508 downloads)

safecast2.dll - SafeCast2 (1508 downloads)

hpmwinxc.dll - (1508 downloads)

ltpdg13n.dll - LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32 (1508 downloads)

WpcWebFilter.dll - WpcWebFilter.dll (1508 downloads)

plugin6.dll - ACD - Uncompressed vqf (1508 downloads)

sdi.dll - SDI Dynamic Link Library (1508 downloads)

assis039.dll - Italy language file (1508 downloads)

pbserver.dll - Phone Book Service (1508 downloads)

GamePanelExternalHook.dll - (1508 downloads)

bldwizmg.dll - Microsoft (R) Visual InterDev BWM Service (1508 downloads)

pegconv.dll - ActiveSync File Conversion (1508 downloads)

Awfxrn32.dll - EFAX-filbaserat transportgränssnitt (1508 downloads)

nbscor4m.dll - NBSCor4m (1508 downloads)

d3d11_1sdklayers.dll - Direct3D 11.1 SDK Layers (1508 downloads)

ipseldpc.dll - Dpcdll Module (1508 downloads)

cdr100.dll - Nero Recorder Driver (1508 downloads)

dabbpci20003.dll - (1508 downloads)

vbstate.dll - (1508 downloads)

msaddl10.dll - Microsoft Access Data Dictionary Library (1508 downloads)

localedata_others.dll - (1508 downloads)

daadvpcl812.dll - (1508 downloads)

acshellextui.dll - MP3 Audio Converter (1508 downloads)

MSGRGE32.dll - Lernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (DE) (1508 downloads)

matlablink.dll - (1508 downloads)

cdrtsgmscd.dll - MSCD DLL (1508 downloads)

KeyValidationNative.dll - (1508 downloads)

dws114x.dll - Nero Recorder Driver (1508 downloads)

emailres.dll - EmailRes DLL (1508 downloads)

cdrflt100.dll - Corel Filter Manager (1508 downloads)

avl.dll - a small dll made for Mirc to use winamp (1508 downloads)

numtextboxcontrol.dll - (1508 downloads)

jgs3tlk.dll - JG ART DLL (1508 downloads)

ktmw32.dll - Windows KTM Win32 Client DLL (1508 downloads)

ode2.dll - (1508 downloads)

srcore.dll - Microsoft® Windows System Restore Core Library (1508 downloads)

icam3ext.dll - Icam3EXT DLL (1508 downloads)

adc_examp.dll - (1508 downloads)

draft_framework_li.dll - (1508 downloads)

cnmw361.dll - Canon BJ Printer Driver (1508 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1242769)
xinput1_3.dll (912007)
msvcr100.dll (784542)
msvcp100.dll (740821)
vcruntime140.dll (717207)
msvcp140.dll (590619)
msvcr110.dll (569645)
msvcp120.dll (381824)
msvcr120.dll (377225)
msvcp110.dll (286090)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (247843)
amtlib.dll (236034)
d3dx9_39.dll (221036)
binkw32.dll (196929)
steam_api.dll (180367)
d3dx9_30.dll (177668)
unarc.dll (177537)
KERNEL32.dll (175159)
lame_enc.dll (152529)
mss32.dll (149925) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012