Most downloaded DLL files - - page 358

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

w3dmmg_dd8.dll - (1376 downloads)

w4w59f.dll - (1376 downloads)

war2icon.dll - (1376 downloads)

water.dll - (1376 downloads)

wkplmwab.dll - wwabcond (1376 downloads)

wkprflng.dll - Microsoft® Works Core Proofing Service Resources (1376 downloads)

wlbsctrl.dll - Network Load Balancing API (1376 downloads)

wmpencen.dll - Windows Media Player Encoding Module (1376 downloads)

word8dll.dll - Word 98 Helper App (1376 downloads)

wt9_1sphs.dll - Corel Writing Tools Utility Engine (1376 downloads)

zwebauth.dll - Zone Web Authentication SSP (1376 downloads)

MsgBoxDll.dll - (1376 downloads)

usbaaplrc.dll - Apple Mobile Device USB Driver Resource DLL (1376 downloads)

mfcm120.dll - MFC Managed Library - Retail Version (1376 downloads)

mfcm140.dll - MFC Managed Library - Retail Version (1376 downloads)

AuthBrokerUI.dll - AuthBroker UI (1376 downloads)

ConnectedAccountState.dll - ConnectedAccountState.dll (1376 downloads)

CryptoWinRT.dll - Crypto WinRT Library (1376 downloads)

dafpos.dll - Point Of Service DAF Provider (1376 downloads)

dmcsps.dll - dmcsps (1376 downloads)

DTSBoostDLL64.dll - DTS Boost COM DLL (1376 downloads)

ErrorDetails.dll - Microsoft Windows operating system. (1376 downloads)

igfxDILib.dll - (1376 downloads)

IntelWiDiUtils64.dll - Platform Detection Library (1376 downloads)

kdstub.dll - Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Stubs (1376 downloads)

msxml6r.dll - XML Resources (1376 downloads)

NetworkBindingEngineMigPlugin.dll - Network Binding Engine Migration Plugin (1376 downloads)

NotificationObjFactory.dll - Notifications Object Factory (1376 downloads)

pcacli.dll - Program Compatibility Assistant Client Module (1376 downloads)

PinEnrollmentHelper.dll - PinEnrollmentHelper (1376 downloads)

Pnrphc.dll - PNRP Helper Class (1376 downloads)

TsUsbRedirectionGroupPolicyExtension.dll - Remote Desktop USB Redirection GP Extension (1376 downloads)

wincorlib.dll - Microsoft Windows ® WinRT core library (1376 downloads)

Windows.UI.XamlHost.dll - XAML Host (1376 downloads)

WinSyncMetastore.dll - Windows Synchronization Metadata Store (1376 downloads)

WofTasks.dll - WIM Boot Tasks (1376 downloads)

WpcRefreshTask.dll - Family Safety Refresh Task (1376 downloads)

xactengine2_7.dll - XACT Engine API (1376 downloads)

cmcs21.dll - CMCS21 (1376 downloads)

CSMetricsAPI.dll - Camtasia Studio usage metrics library (1376 downloads)

DiffEng32.dll - Binary Difference Engine (1376 downloads)

icudt55.dll - ICU Data DLL (1376 downloads)

icudt56.dll - ICU Data DLL (1376 downloads)

NL7Models0404.dll - Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data (1376 downloads)

formfillerres15.dll - Resource DLL (1375 downloads)

fpnwclnt.dll - FPNW Client DLL (1375 downloads)

libwav_plugin.dll - (1375 downloads)

ltaut12n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1375 downloads)

mqbasi32.dll - (1375 downloads)

nmsckn.dll - NMSCKN.DLL (1375 downloads)

norwegian.dll - (1375 downloads)

pid32.dll - (1375 downloads)

rastls.dll - Accès distant PPP EAP-TLS (1375 downloads)

res4.dll - core resources (1375 downloads)

rtwinai.dll - (1375 downloads)

sdnaii73sd3.dll - (1375 downloads)

servuperfcount.dll - (1375 downloads)

sfun_fcncall.dll - (1375 downloads)

sfun_pose2vr.dll - (1375 downloads)

sf_tlat_sfun.dll - (1375 downloads)

Top DLL Download

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mss32.dll (150219) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012