Most downloaded DLL files - - page 117

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

hpi_photo_gallery.dll - Hpi_Gallery DLL (1575 downloads)

adftpres.dll - AdFTPRes Resource DLL (1575 downloads)

hyphen645mi.dll - (1575 downloads)

ir41_qcx.dll - Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor (1575 downloads)

analysis645mi.dll - (1575 downloads)

ctdcrfrn.dll - CTDCRES (1575 downloads)

s32luuz1.dll - LiveUpdate (1575 downloads)

sdspdwt.dll - (1575 downloads)

TVE3.dll - Turbine Video Engine SDK (1575 downloads)

knpg.dll - (1575 downloads)

dmaglide.dll - The DMA 3Dfx screen and mode handler. (1575 downloads)

acxopenres.dll - Xref Open Resources (1575 downloads)

amiout.dll - (1575 downloads)

fnx_dx8.dll - DirectX 7 Overload Classes (1575 downloads)

DDOIProxy.dll - DDOI Interface Proxy (1575 downloads)

mscomstf.dll - Setup Common Library (1575 downloads)

binprn16.dll - (1575 downloads)

compmem.dll - CompMem DLL (1575 downloads)

cssedui.dll - Microsoft (R) Visual Studio CSS Editor Resources (1575 downloads)

wxmsw253u.dll - (1575 downloads)

brmfusb.dll - USB port interface DLL for Resource Manager (1575 downloads)

dvbcas32.dll - DVB Conditional Access Support Library (1575 downloads)

MSSP32.dll - Microsoft Soft-Art Speller DLL (1575 downloads)

MSAB32.dll - Network AB provider for MSNet (NT) (1575 downloads)

planui.dll - Money Planner UI DLL (1575 downloads)

openglv3.dll - OpenGL Client DLL (1575 downloads)

adssecurity.dll - ADsSecurity Module (1575 downloads)

cxtar40.dll - TAR 4.0 Archiver (1575 downloads)

UserDataTypeHelperUtil.dll - Type Utilities for data access (1575 downloads)

picbmp.dll - (1575 downloads)

aemtssvc.dll - Application Performance Explorer MTS Service (1575 downloads)

hmlog32.dll - HMLOG32 MFC Extension DLL (1575 downloads)

nagmp.dll - (1574 downloads)

obrb041f.dll - Service Pack 2 OOB Ä°letileri (1574 downloads)

hpbf201k.dll - Tools.h++ Library (1574 downloads)

dpvoice.dll - Microsoft DirectPlay Voice (1574 downloads)

e_proc_supplier_ws.dll - (1574 downloads)

acetutil.dll - Resources for AcEtUtil (1574 downloads)

u32scan.dll - Scan DLL (1574 downloads)

w3dmaxx_dd7.dll - (1574 downloads)

deltasio.dll - M-Audio Delta ASIO Support Library (1574 downloads)

ax_nl.dll - Alcohol multi-language resource file (1574 downloads)

navshell.dll - Norton AntiVirus Shell (1574 downloads)

ipsmsnap.dll - Composant logiciel enfichable Moniteur de sécurité IP (1574 downloads)

gtrts32w.dll - Microsoft ODBC Test (1574 downloads)

gfdev.dll - GoFlight Device Dynamic-Link Library (1574 downloads)

crora18s.dll - DataDirect Oracle Wire Protocol ODBC Setup DLL (1574 downloads)

dspdmo.dll - DSP Module (1574 downloads)

libdns.dll - (1574 downloads)

hpotscl.dll - hpotscl Module (1574 downloads)

fsfilter.dll - (1574 downloads)

mx_rbfeval.dll - (1574 downloads)

opfor.dll - (1574 downloads)

display.dll - (1574 downloads)

msdetstf.dll - Setup Detect Library (1574 downloads)

demuxmanager.dll - DemuxManager (1574 downloads)

vorbis_d.dll - (1574 downloads)

lops.dll - Link Object Control Module, Version 9.0 (1574 downloads)

amidlgiv.dll - (1574 downloads)

agproxy.dll - AGAutoProxy Module (1574 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1244817)
xinput1_3.dll (913763)
msvcr100.dll (786894)
msvcp100.dll (743441)
vcruntime140.dll (717617)
msvcp140.dll (591247)
msvcr110.dll (570765)
msvcp120.dll (382313)
msvcr120.dll (377627)
msvcp110.dll (286569)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (248383)
amtlib.dll (236232)
d3dx9_39.dll (221103)
binkw32.dll (197331)
steam_api.dll (181579)
unarc.dll (181156)
d3dx9_30.dll (178149)
KERNEL32.dll (175402)
lame_enc.dll (152664)
mss32.dll (150219) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012