can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
haspapi.dll - HasPapi DLL (1632 downloads)
haspvb32.dll - Emulátor hasp klÃÄe (1632 downloads)
hawknl.dll - (1653 downloads)
hbaapi.dll - HBA API data interface dll for HBA_API_Rev_2-18_2002MAR1.doc (1344 downloads)
hc12_can_reset.dll - (1554 downloads)
hc12_can_rx.dll - (1571 downloads)
hc12_can_status.dll - (1530 downloads)
hc12_can_tx.dll - (1478 downloads)
hc12_fuelsys_sfun.dll - (1557 downloads)
hc12_sfcn_adc_v.dll - (1517 downloads)
hc12_sfcn_di_abbyte.dll - (1554 downloads)
hc12_sfcn_do_abbyte.dll - (1511 downloads)
hc12_sfcn_pwm.dll - (1561 downloads)
hc12targetmaster.dll - (1482 downloads)
hccoin.dll - USB Coinstaller (1546 downloads)
hccutils.dll - hccutils Module (2726 downloads)
hcextoutput.dll - (1423 downloads)
hcfcsa.dll - HSF country/region select enumerate page (1521 downloads)
hcfcsa32.dll - HSF Modem country select (1510 downloads)
hcfreadr.dll - HSF Modem Country File Reader (1419 downloads)
hcheck.dll - HCheck (1486 downloads)
hcicmd.dll - (1556 downloads)
hcnetr.dll - (1514 downloads)
hcproviders.dll - Fournisseurs de sécurité et maintenance (1270 downloads)
hcreg7.dll - Autodesk Hardcopy Registry DLL (1493 downloads)
hcreg8.dll - Autodesk Hardcopy Registry DLL (1515 downloads)
hcreg8res.dll - Autodesk Hardcopy Registry Resource DLL (1420 downloads)
hcresources.dll - (1369 downloads)
hcrstco.dll - USB HC Reset Coinstaller (1202 downloads)
hcw72Co.dll - Coinstaller (1199 downloads)
hcwChan.dll - Channel Editing Functionality (1528 downloads)
hdadsk.dll - (1549 downloads)
hdana2.dll - (1584 downloads)
hdcc.dll - Nero Library (1529 downloads)
hdchapi.dll - Seagate Open OLAP (1538 downloads)
hdd.dll - HDD DLL (1560 downloads)
hddtest.dll - (1495 downloads)
hdexper2.dll - miroVIDEO HD Expert DLL - Driver DLL for HD Expert (1470 downloads)
hdf.dll - (1662 downloads)
hdf5infoc.dll - (1543 downloads)
hdf5readc.dll - (1427 downloads)
hdf5win32.dll - (1546 downloads)
hdf5writec.dll - (1540 downloads)
hdfchk.dll - HDFlib (1542 downloads)
hdflib.dll - (1498 downloads)
hdimon.dll - Heidi® OLE to ADI Port Monitor (1551 downloads)
hdldaemon.dll - (1469 downloads)
headbonus.dll - (1483 downloads)
heal62.dll - Healing Husk DLL (1543 downloads)
hearts.dll - (1474 downloads)
hebrew.dll - (1474 downloads)
heidi6.dll - Heidi® Graphics System (1610 downloads)
heidi7.dll - Heidi® Graphics System (1540 downloads)
heidi8.dll - Heidi® Graphics System (1406 downloads)
heidilw.dll - Heidi® Graphics System (1387 downloads)
hekbengine.dll - HostExplorer Keyboard Engine for Win32 (1409 downloads)
hekbmap.dll - HostExplorer Keyboard Map for Win32 (1404 downloads)
hellfrui.dll - DiabloUI (1570 downloads)
hellocontrol.dll - (1400 downloads)
hellolib.dll - (1482 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1241658)
xinput1_3.dll (910919)
msvcr100.dll (783072)
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vcruntime140.dll (716977)
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msvcp120.dll (381711)
msvcr120.dll (377061)
msvcp110.dll (285919)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (247548)
amtlib.dll (235963)
d3dx9_39.dll (221001)
binkw32.dll (196731)
steam_api.dll (179752)
d3dx9_30.dll (177430)
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KERNEL32.dll (174984)
lame_enc.dll (152458)
mss32.dll (149728)